So you eat meat to be "strong like bull" - But bulls are vegan! - Want to know the secret?

How many times have we heard about the person who went vegan and failed because they felt weak or malnourished after a while?


I thought all I needed to do was eat spinach like Popeye

I noticed when I tried vegetarianism for the first time, raw vegetables would go right through me. I'd eat a huge plate full of spinach and be on the toilet in about 90 minutes. It looked exactly the same coming out as it did going in, which means that my body didnt take much from it. It was only a matter of time before I would begin feeling weak.

So how do animals like horses, bulls and even rhinos become the strongest animals on the planet only eating vegetation?

Well they have different stomachs that allow for longer digestion process in which the key is fermentation, the creation of bacteria and then the absorption of the nutrients that are created from it, namely, B12. Thats right, there is a such thing as good bacteria.

We humans actually have remanent of this stomach called the cecum, but it no longer does the job, because, well, we evolved to eat all kinds of other bullshit. (although bull shit literally has exactly what we need. Yuck, I know)
cecum human.jpg

Notice the green color, because it indeed does still create bacteria, but in humans it has evolved too late in the digestion process. By the time the good stuff is made, its practically in the toilet. This is why humans are often at risk of B12 deficiency when going vegan.

In a cow, for instance, it is called the rumen, which serves as the primary site for microbial fermentation of ingested food.

So what is the useful secret for you? Well since we cannot ferment food and pull nutrition from it, we need to introduce the good bacteria from the beginning of digestion.

A friend of mine introduced me to kimchi which is a Korean style fermented cabbage, and my diet changed forever. Spinach no longer goes right through me because my gut actually has all of the good bacteria needed to make the most of the food in it. This is beneficial for everyone, no just those trying to ween themselves off of meat.

Here is some information on fermented foods such as kimchi

Did you know that the majority of meats consumed, especially those from fast food chains, have been either bleached or cleaned with ammonia?

They are killing good bacteria. They do this so they may store the meat for weeks and even months and not get you sick with the shit that MIGHT grow in it. They are sacrificing your nutrients for shelf life.

Fermented foods are the secret whether you want to become a vegan, or stay on your current diet and just make the most of the foods you eat.

Here is a brilliant presentation on why we need fermented foods and how to cheaply make them yourself.

Live long and prosper.

With love,

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