How walking is beneficial on our health in the long run

Many people these days are ignoring the essential aspect that makes us healthy in the long run, which is called exercise. People have become extremely busy with their schedules. Even if they get some time, they are most likely to watch any movie or show to get relaxed. Though this formula applies to a significant amount of the people around the globe, they should learn how important it is to practice any form of exercise on a daily basis. Eventough many recommend a four day per week workout would benefit a lot when it comes it our future health; some believe that it is purely a waste of time.

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So there should be some alternative for gym to those who really work a lot and do not have time to hit the gym. Yes, there is an alternative, a rigorous exercise, for example, rigorous walking in order to get to the school, office, groceries store would really help to cope up with the matter. Many experts say that a minimum of 10,000 steps per day is more than enough to reach our workout goals. The main thing that has to be kept in our mind is 10,000 steps does not mean you can saunter, walking really slow, but it has to be rigorous, maybe some brisk would work. Although it seems to be difficult to count each and every step, it is not the case when we grab our smartphone and download some app that helps how many steps we walk every single day. For instance, I have my own health app from the app store, which really helps me to comprehend the walk I did the whole day.

"If you run three times a week, you're not going to get fitter by walking 10,000 steps," Williams explains. "You're already quite fit. You're going to need to do more to get fitter than someone who is chronically unfit and inactive. For them, walking 5,000 or 10,000 steps a day will improve their fitness." Source

When you do exercise, there will be a chance for your body to stimulate your body’s repair system. So this means you will be healthy and young for quite a long time. There is some evidence that many fatal futures deceases like cardiovascular deceases, cancer, diabetes would reduce to certain extent if we trigger walking from our young age. Moreover, people who walk a lot would undoubtedly live longer when compared to the people who do not. Furthuremore, there are many pieces of evidence that walking would enhance our brain function.

Heart disease, the leading cause of death in America, can be combated by implementing a simple walking regimen. Researchers found that moderately intensive walking improves cardiovascular risk factors in the short term. Source

It is a good idea to adopt a new lifestyle which comprises of walking to get to any place and avoiding lifts, escalators instead taking steps and so on. These little changes with a good food on a daily basis will indeed help our overall health in the long run.

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