hair_625x350_51429181118.jpgYou can not help envying the fiber of your friend Mary, with hair so long and so thick that it could almost be a scarf, but yet does nothing to maintain them? Contrary to what some hairdressers who want to sell their latest products, hair, at first glance, we begin to take care of it from the inside. You can continue to give them a mask every three days; if you continue to stuff yourself with refined industrial products, it will not change much.

Here are some foods to promote your hair, to make your hair healthier, and grow well faster.

  1. Dark chocolate

No, we do not make you a false joy, you read correctly, dark chocolate (not milk huh, we insist) could grow your hair faster. Because it is rich in iron, which increases the hemoglobin to oxygenate the hair. To consume all the same, in moderation.

  1. Eggs

We often hear that egg masks work wonders on the hair. But they could do more from inside! Because its vitamin A content ensures the regeneration of the scalp tissues. As you poached eggs, calves, scrambled, we pass and best.

  1. Lentils

Lentils, the flagship product of vegetarian cooking, are rich in protein, B vitamins, and zinc, these natural elements to shine your hair, stimulate growth and prevent their loss.

  1. Olive oil and other vegetable oils

Forget the butter; vegetable oils are your friends for life! In addition to their health benefits, they also work wonders on your hair: the essential fatty acids they contain improve their texture while enhancing their luster.

  1. Almonds

Have you ever heard that almonds grow nails and hair faster while strengthening them? You can trust this statement because the vitamins that almonds contain promote growth. You can abuse it without risk to your health! On the contrary.

  1. Nuts of all kinds

Cashew, pecan, hazelnuts ... you have carte blanche, the nuts are the best allies of your hair! In addition to their protein content, they are also very rich in zinc and selenium, natural elements that contribute to good hair health.

  1. Fish

The fish, consumed at least twice a week, is a good base for having shiny hair. In addition to the proteins it contains in large quantities, vitamins B and D, iron and Omegas 3, the fish has the advantage of not having bad fats. You can go there with your eyes closed!

  1. Oysters

As surprising as it may seem, oysters would have the gift of growing your hair faster. Because these festival crustaceans are very rich in zinc.

  1. Fruits and Vegetables of color

Although all are excellent for health, some vegetables would grow hair faster than others. Favor the richest in vitamins A and C such as carrots, pumpkin, melon, and company. And of course, we try to respect the seasons.

  1. Wheat germ

The B vitamins contained in the wheat germ contribute to the shine of the hair and their growth. You can eat it in the form of oil, capsules or glitter.

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