Yoga has been practiced for centuries in our country and has proved to be important pillar of the alternative medicine. In the West, yoga is one of the most commonly performed fitness programs, unlike the exercises that we perform in a gym, yoga emphasis on the holistic improvement of mind, body and the soul.

Yoga has been practiced for centuries in our country and has proved to be important pillar of the alternative medicine. In the West, yoga is one of the most commonly performed fitness programs, unlike the exercises that we perform in a gym, yoga emphasis on the holistic improvement of mind, body and the soul.

Here are a few reasons why one must include yoga in their exercise regime:

1 . Relieves Stress

A few minutes of yoga during the day can be a great way to get rid of stress that accumulates daily – in both the body and mind. Yoga postures, pranayama, and meditation are effective techniques to release stress.

2 . Aids Weight Loss

Surya namaskar (Sun Salutations) and Kapal Bhati pranayama are some ways to help lose weight with yoga. Yoga encourages the development of a positive self-image, as more attention is paid to nutrition and the body as a whole.

3 . Reduces Pain

Studies have shown that practicing yoga reduces pain for people with conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, auto-immune diseases and hypertension as well as arthritis, back and neck pain and other chronic conditions.

  1. Improves Response System

Many pranayamas emphasize slowing down and deepening the breath, which activates the body’s parasympathetic system, or relaxation response.

5 . Increases Flexibility

Yoga can improve flexibility and mobility and increase the range of motion. Over time, the ligaments, tendons, and muscles lengthen, increasing elasticity.

6 . Strengthens Bones and Muscles

Yoga includes weight bearing poses, which can help strengthen your skeleton and prevent illnesses including osteoporosis. Yoga poses incorporate arm balances that can involve lifting the whole body weight, thus strengthening and improving muscle tone.

7 . Promotes Heart Health

Even a gentle yoga practice can provide cardiovascular benefits by lowering resting heart rate, increasing endurance and improving oxygen uptake during exercise.

DO YOGA AND ENJOY YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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