Health Benefits of Garlic


Garlic is a plant specie in the onions family, it has the botanical name Allium sativum.
Garlic has anti-bacterial properties which helps keep the digestive system clean. According to research by various Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Garlic is used as both preventive and treatment agent for many metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Nutrients found in Garlic includes: vitamin B6 (pyridoxine),manganese, selenium, vitamin C,phosphorous, calcium, potassium, iron and copper.

The pungent smell and taste of garlic is due to the sulfur compound (Allicin) which makes up vital amino acids that the body utilizes to create protein for cells, tissues, hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. This must be continuously replenished for functional health and nutrition as the body uses up its storage daily.

The body needs Sulfur for insulin production which controls carbohydrate metabolism. Inadequate sulfur can make it difficult for the pancreas to produce enough insulin, and which results in less cellular absorption from the blood and increased blood sugar. Garlic has been shown to help reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol through its anti-oxidant properties. Its anit-bacterial and anti-fungal properties is useful in treating bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections.

Garlic can be eaten raw, and it can serve as garnishing for most of our cuisines. Too much heat destroys the active compounds in this wonderful plant. Usually recommended dosage for adults are 4 g (one to two cloves) of raw garlic per day. Caution are given to avoid garlic before surgeries and medical operations.

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