This information will help you if you have allergies that you have not been able to solve

Allergies occur when the body overreacts to elements and substances that for other people may go unnoticed. They usually arrive with seasonal changes, but in many cases they become chronic. There are different types of allergies: some are respiratory, others affect the skin, and there are some quite rare.


Some remedies bring temporary improvements but fail to definitively eradicate these reactions, and some drugs are even, for many, worse than the disease.

In these cases a good option may be to resort to homeopathy, as it ensures that the patient returns to his or her individual equilibrium.

Beyond the symptoms of allergy, the homeopath will take the whole patient into account, as a unique individual.

The unicist homeopathic doctor will prescribe a remedy to address all the symptoms that the person is experiencing, including those of the allergy itself.

This will allow the cure to be final and, despite the arrival of a new change of season or an exposure to elements that used to produce allergic reactions, the symptoms do not return.

There are some ways to alleviate allergic states while seeking to find the definitive solution:

1- Condition your home


If you suffer from allergies periodically, make sure that your home is always clean and ventilated. The accumulation of dust, dirt and lack of ventilation increase the factors that can cause allergies and you may be harmed in your own home.

2- Avoid carpets


This element so common in homes and offices is a deposit of dust and mites that can become your worst enemy if you are an allergic person. If you have carpets around you, make sure they are always clean and vacuumed. If possible, do not use carpets in your home.

3- Food


The consumption of citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons can help in the treatment of allergy since its high content of vitamin C and antioxidant substances contribute to improve the immune response of the body and curb allergens, viruses and bacteria.

Try these options and you will see that allergies should not accompany you throughout your life.

Mejor con salud
El Homeopatico


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