What Happens When We Stop Eating Processed Foods.


One of the most common health mistakes that people make - is consuming processed foods: pre-cooked, pre-packaged, and ready-for-consumption.

Is it convenient? Yes.
Is it healthy, empowering or nurturing? Far from it.

We need to understand.
Just because we see food labels like "Healthy" "Natural" "Vegan" it does not make it such.
It is still the same dead chemical cocktail, same commercial formula - different (vegan) ingredients.
It is still the same mutated substance, created with profit in mind, not our health.

Processed food is low in nutrition, full of additives and preservatives that make the product's shelf life longer.. all, of course, for our convenience.


When it comes to FOOD, real food, FRESH is the first criteria to consider!

Removing packaged foods from our life is the best decision any of us can make!

In the last few decades I have assisted hundreds of people to get off meds and processed foods.
Imagine, I am invited to people's homes to throw away all those pretty looking chemical bombs that majority still spend money on.
It is an honorable position to witness the miraculous transformation taking place.


Transformation that we experience once we stop consuming these low vibrational so called foods is o u t s t a n d i n g!
It is beyond anything we can imagine! To experience the difference is fun!

From a vibrational point of view, it makes total sense - once we unplug our physical form from the machine, that feeds of us - we are no longer bombarded by substances that damage and block us. So the Body, this sophisticated bio machine, is finally left to its own intelligence and it begins to thrive.

Our beautiful Body, when not interfered with, produces its own chemicals, really natural ones, no labels are needed.
If you ever tried autophagy - not eating anything for a certain period of time, or working out in Nature - you know that highest of high that we get. Body has many gifts to give us, and it showers us with all those gifts once we stop abusing it and unplug it from the collective food madness.

If the food looks like it came from the garden, a tree, a bush - it can be classified as food, if it looks like it just came from the factory, freshly-produced and delivered to the store... we better leave it where it is!


We can choose what serves the Body instead of what serves business.

This is what happens to us when we replace the old world food (processed, altered and created for profit) with FRESH plantbased foods:

  • Almost immediate weight loss.
  • Increased energy level.
  • Clear skin.
  • Brighter eyes.
  • Better mood.
  • Stronger Immunity.
  • Faster growing hair and nails.
  • Improved digestion and elimination process.
  • Better sleep (easier to fall asleep and wake up).
  • Natural alignment with our original blueprint - Body heals itself faster.
  • New sense of CLARITY.
  • Sudden Inspiration.
  • Vibrational shift.
  • New experience of satisfaction!
    -New level of AWARENESS and ALIVENESS.
  • You begin to CARE about things that you ignored before.

We all have more power than we realize!
We all have choices.
We all have the right to be Healthy, Happy and Whole!

Anna Suvorova.
Health/Yoga Educator.
Author. Dreamer of a better world for all.

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