My Response to Healthy 14 wk old Infant Dies within 24 hrs of 8 vaccines (article within)

First of all, instead of "help us stop mandatory vaccinations," how bout "stop putting unnecessary additives in necessary vaccines," cuz that's better; secondly, every parent should get these as spaced out as far as the pediatrician will basically allow. I'm not crazy. Or, at least not that brand or breed of crazy. I understand that some illnesses have serious repercussions. Do not get me started on polio, though, because that outbreak was allowed to happen to help bring us where we are today about it.

I also understand that there are things, like transportation issues, or health complications, that might prevent one from feeling confident in the ability to make it to numerous appointments. Risk it. Better to risk getting the vaccinations just a bit late than all on top of one another. There are probably ways around it, anyway.

Be open and honest with your concerns. It's okay to say, "Look, I have REALLY not been feeling well, and I don't have the most confidence in my ability to make it back and forth, as scheduled, all the time. Can we come up with a safety plan around this issue?"

There is likely an after hours clinic, or something of that nature, and he or she will probably direct you to go there, between such and such hours, as directly after a missed appointment as possible.

Ultimately, you don't want your child to die; you don't want your child to suffer a debilitating illness; and, you DO want your child to attend school without issue.

If they mark you as an anti-vaxx'r, at school, you may have other issues. Best to stay ahead of these things, while you're at it.

Your kids will most likely go to public schools. Doctors and governments want this to happen. They want your children vaccinated. They will be happy to hear the initiative, and likely show concern.

If you'd like to avoid further discussion, tell them you'll discuss it with your own doctor. You could also say your mental health professional, if that's pertinent or necessary.

If the issue is gas, there may be a voucher program, or something similar, in your area. Here, people can sometimes obtain taxi vouchers, for example.

Lastly, "a better place" always sounds stupid to the grieving, but never more so than when it's a child lost. A life not yet lived is tragic loss for all, and those left behind have barely had a chance to look forward to future smiles and accompishments before being robbed of them. The loss of this and every child in this manner, for this reason, is a strike upon the souls of those in power.


May your spirit return to see the sun rise before the loss of many cycles; Rest In Power, Malakai, June 12-September 22, 2018

#health #parenting #vaxxdebate #mandatoryvaccinations #unnecessaryadditives


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