10 Myths about Diet you did not know about

We all want to look beautiful and perfect. Most people around the world every year set a New Year resolution. And this New Year resolution is to have that perfect sculptured body. We torture ourselves by starving, going on crash dieting and slogging out in the gym.
Most of the people prefer to go on a diet rather than exercising. Every hard work pays off well. So here are the few top 10 myths about your diet that you did not know.

1. Eating white rice is unhealthy

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One of the biggest myths that people have is eating white rice will cause weight gain. The truth is white rice has a lower glycemic index as compared to wheat. The only problem is when you eat rice; it gets digested faster than you digest wheat. Hence you start feeling hungry again and you make a wrong choice of snacking. Eat rice with lots of vegetables and proteins this will definitely help you lose weight.

2. Yolk of the egg is unhealthy


For many years it was said that the people who are looking forward to losing weight must avoid eating the yellow part of the egg that is the yolk. But the truth is the yellow part of the egg has the maximum protein and minerals in it. Consuming an egg as a whole will help you increase your good cholesterol which in turn will decrease your bad cholesterol. When you are exercising your muscles are undergoing wear and tear. To repair these muscles you need protein that you get from egg yolk.

3. Potatoes are not good for you when dieting


People see potatoes as their enemy when they are dieting. All they see in potatoes is carbohydrates. They do not know the fact of all the goodness that potatoes have other than carbohydrates. Not that carbohydrate is bad for your body but a measured amount of carbohydrates is always good for your body. Avoid having potatoes that are fried. Instead when dieting having one boiled potato a day can do wonders. It'll help you keep full and will reduce your craving for food.

4. Diet bars and Diet drinks


The people who are dieting usually prefer going for diet chocolates and diet drinks. A diet bar or diet drinks can be more dangerous than your general chocolates or drinks. Diet bars and diet drinks do not have sugar in them. But the other sweeteners and contents that they have, spikes up your sugar level instantly. Instant spike of sugar level in the body can be very harmful and can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

5. Flavored yoghurt


The market has seen a growing trend of consumption of flavored yogurt. They say that this flavored yogurt has high level of protein in them. The fact is that flavored yogurt is no better than plain yogurt. A flavored yogurt has artificial sweeteners in it which causes you to gain weight. Hence anything natural is always better than what you get commercially.

6. Fruit juice during dieting


Some people say that consumption of fruit juice is good when you are dieting. The fact is that a fruit juice is only a sweet drink which has fewer Minerals and vitamins. Rather than having a fruit juice you should go for natural fruit. This will add fiber to your body and will be more beneficial than consuming a fruit juice.

7. Do not consume fat


Not consuming fat in your diet is another myth that people believe. Fat is equally important for the human body to function well. Not all fats are bad for your body. Some fats are good fats also called as good cholesterol and some fats are bad fats also called as bad cholesterol. The good cholesterol cuts down on the bad cholesterol making our body healthy.

8. Brown bread


Most of the people when dieting do not know that brown bread is the same as white bread. A brown bread can be even worse than white bread because the bakeries add caramel to it to bring that brown color to the bread. Rather when you visit the bakery next time ask for a wheat bread a wheat bread is way better than brown bread.

9. Multigrain biscuits


Multigrain biscuits are very popular these days. But the true fact behind multigrain biscuits is they are made up of multiple grains but at the same time, they have a high amount of fat and sugar in them. This high amount of fat and sugar increases your glycemic index causing a harmful effect in your body.

10. Low-fat milk

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Many people think that consuming low-fat milk is healthier than consuming whole milk. The truth behind low-fat milk is they take out the fat content from the milk which also removes vitamin A and D that is present in the milk. Vitamin A and Vitamin D are very important for breaking down proteins in order for your body to get benefits from it. Hence it makes the condition, even more; worse rather than helping you become healthy.

As the commercialization is taking over not all that is advertised and said is true. You must also do your own research before believing anything. Get behind the science of things and then if you feel satisfied, make your own choice.

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