The importance of sleep


Your body needs an adequate amount of sleep! However, the saying “you snooze, you lose” always gave me the feeling that staying up that extra hour to get some work or studying done was the sign of having a good work ethic. Of course, there is nothing wrong with working hard, but I have found that getting the hours of sleep that your body needs does wonders for you.

“You snooze, you win” is a more apt phrase. An adequate amount of sleep will allow your body to recover properly from exercise or a long day at work. It also allows your brain to sweep itself clean of toxins. Cutting short on this may lead to brain fog as pointed out in this article.

Mark McCormack, founder of IMG and during his life one of the wealthiest men in the US, was known to take afternoon snoozes in his office. It helps when you are the boss in being able to take a nap at work, but going to bed early if at all possible is highly recommended.

Additionally, it has been shown that staring at a laptop, tablet or smartphone screen just before bed is not to be recommended. These screens emit a certain type of blue light that makes you more alert and suppresses your melatonin levels. As a result, your quality of sleep will be impacted.

In conclusion, forego the TV, tablet or any other screen before bed. And try to go to bed early. You will be rewarded with a more alert body the next day!

Please let me know if it helps you. I'd love to hear from you!

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