Pesticides and topsoil

There is another consequence of using pesticides and herbicides on fruits and vegetables that a lot of people don’t really consider, but is actually even more detrimental to our health.

The result of using glyphosate on food doesn’t only mean that it can be found on the skin of the fruit or vegetable. It does something far more sinister that is not often considered.


The continuous use of glyphosate on plants causes the stuff to leach down into the soil. Once in the soil the pesticide will damage the microbes in the soil. The plant needs the microbes to convert vitamins and minerals found in the soil into edible nutrition for the plants to absorb.

Low nutrient soil leads to low nutrient fruits and vegetables. As a result, despite eating what would be perceived as being a healthy diet, one is actually not getting enough nutrients in the body. The body signals that it is not satiated and thus you still feel hungry, which causes overeating.

Do you see how a pesticide can be incredibly detrimental to your health, especially in the long run? You are constantly hungry and eat more than you should. If one were to have a mischievous mind, then you can see how this type of practice might actually help companies sell more product to their hungry customers.

“You are what you eat” is an often heard saying. Well the same applies to food. If the food doesn´t get the correct nutrients then it will be a suboptimal food. This issue should not be taken lightly as Wikipedia states the following: “Topsoil depletion occurs when the nutrient-rich organic topsoil, which takes hundreds to thousands of years to build up under natural conditions, is eroded or depleted of its original organic material.”

What is even more interesting is the following statement from Wikipedia: “Historically, many past civilizations' collapses can be attributed to the depletion of the topsoil. Since the beginning of agricultural production in the Great Plains of North America in the 1880s, about one-half of its topsoil has disappeared.”


In conclusion, food doesn’t have the same nutrient content as it used to because, in many cases, it is harvested sooner and is often sprayed with glyphosate.

The solution? Eat organic food as much as possible and invest in a good multivitamin solution. I have tried a number of multivitamins and will talk about them soon!


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