Is it good to take collagen supplements?


Is it good to take collagen supplements? The first thing I would ask in response to this is ‘Why are you taking collagen supplements? What is it that you want to achieve?’

If it is for inner health and supporting your organs, convective tissue, etc. then consuming collagen will play an important part. If it is for younger looking skin, then you'll need to weigh up using a topical application instead.

Reason being; the collagen you consume will be digested. This will mean that it will need to survive the harsh acidic environment in your stomach first. Any collagen proteins that do make it beyond this stage of digestion will then be carried to the organs to support life over skin health.

Taking collagen supplements can help your skin in a small way, but their effectiveness is dependent upon the source of the collagen and how it has been processed. Animal based collagen sources tend not to assimilate with the human body as well as plant based sources of collagen.

Another consideration to make in your choice is the freshness of the product, for want of a better way to put it. When choosing a source of collagen to consume I would suggest that fresh is best.

A great source of fresh collagen is naturally dried Irish Sea Moss. This amazing seaweed is very versatile. If you want to find out how to prepare and consume seaweed as a source of collagen, see Collagen for Vegans – Can You Get Collagen From Seaweed?.

You can use this in a large range of recipes, and you can make a very cost effective mask out of it. If you are looking for a more regular way to apply collagen, Just Nourish Me has a Vegan Collagen Serum that is made from seaweed. I've had results with this that I'm very happy about.

The most important thing is to make sure that you are getting quality in what you choose to consume. More and more people are becoming aware of how to use products like Irish Sea Moss, and it's benefits.

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