Our brain is 90% fat. Doctors will tell you to cut back on fat, cut back on salt and so forth. Salt makes acid that requires your stomach to breakdown food and fat is needed to keep your brain fully nourished and alert. Statistics show that not consuming enough good fat leads to early Alzheimer’s and Autism in young children. Good fat combined with Essential fatty acids, Omega oil’s 3 and 6 are also needed as our bodies do not make them. You can add Flaxseed oil and Liver cod and or Hemp oil to your diet to balance your omega 3’s to 6’s, since the below oils I will mention increase your omega 6 levels. (Olive, Canola and most unstable oils)..

I use only stable oils, Coconut Oil, Red Palm oil, Amish made Lard at times, and of course Butter. There is also Ghee that is form of clarified butter. I recommend that you butter users buy grass fed organic butter and unless the butter uses Celtic salt or pure salt like our Himalayan salt, buy the unsalted butter and add pure salt later. What is the point of paying extra for a pure grass fed butter, if they use commercial salt that have chemicals added back in.

Unless your doctor is a chemist or biochemist, he will tell you Olive oil and others that are less stable are safe, when in fact Oxidation occurs and oils whether cooking or raw clog your arteries. Unless you have testing and evidence of the good fat which breaks down much differently it is hard to prove, if you use both. Do some research and use the good fat not the fat that stores in your hip pockets for later, like sugar. Also eggs, good fat and lots of protein. Now if eggs are cooked in oxidated oil, well the eggs are not the culprit, it’s the oil, right?

Unless you have an olive oil farm, bottling, transporting the oil and having it sit in stores on shelf for months is what does that to unstable oils. A stable oil like Coconut and Red Palm are very stable and, at cooler temperatures they turn into an actual butter. Red Palm has lots of vitamin A and E, E which is a natural anti-oxidant, which makes both safer to transport and consume, although should be kept in dark places and even refrigerated. Coconut is a medium triglyceride which means it breaks down properly.

Oils like Olive, especially Canola which is heavily processed Safflower should be avoided among others. If you eat out, ask what type of oil they are using. Also, the worst of both worlds, do not consume Margarine. Ask for pure or clarified butter.

Good luck and eat proper fat. MP

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