Fat Down, Money Up (Resolution Report #1)

Fat down, Money up

Working my way toward my New Year’s Resolution.


So how am I doing?

Well, I seem to have reached a new weight average of 82.3 kg, which is slightly higher than when I began exercising on January 4. On that day, my weight was exactly 82 kg, and that was after eating and drinking quite a bit during the holidays, so I’m guessing that even 82 kg was a little above normal.

At two weeks in, contrary to my goal, I’ve gained a little weight. But that’s okay. I expected this to happen. Or, to be more honest, I thought that this might happen.

When you begin working out, even if only for nine to ten minutes a day like I am trying to do, you build a little muscle. With muscle being heavier than fat, it is not unusual for sedentary people who start exercising to gain weight before they begin losing it.

What I am happy about is that I have continued exercising now for two weeks.

And while I haven’t yet met my goal of exercising daily, I did exercise more this week than I did the week before. So, even though it is only a small improvement, I do feel like I have accomplished something.

During my first week, I only exercised four out of seven days. This past week, I exercised five out of seven days. One of those days I even exercised in front of my son. And, though it may not sound like much, that is a big accomplishment for me.

Typically, I prefer to work, write, exercise, and do a number of other things in private. When somebody suddenly appears or something suddenly comes up, I almost always postpone my plans until later. As I’m sure many of you know, in most cases, that later means never.

In other words, if I don’t do what I set out to do in the morning, ninety-nine percent of the time I don’t get around to doing it afterward. Being aware of this habit of mine, when my son suddenly woke up early and came downstairs at 5:30, rather than talking to him and engaging him in some sort of play, I asked him to wait for me and then I went ahead with my exercise routine while he watched with curiosity.

The first time I tried doing this exercise routine it destroyed me.

I couldn’t even do one of the abdominal raises at the end of the routine and some of the other exercises like The Mountain Climber and the One Minute Plank were very, very challenging. The first time I did the Plank, I had to take two breaks during the allotted one-minute time span.

Now, after only two weeks of doing this routine, I can already do ten Abdominal Raises before needing to take a small break, I can get through the full minute of Mountain Climbers, though not easily, and on some days, I can even do the Plank for one full minute without taking a break.

This routine is very hard on my leg muscles and difficult for me. I can’t power my way through it by any means. I am getting better at it, though, and I do feel like I am getting stronger. I also feel like I can see small changes beginning to take place in my body, which, of course, makes me happy.

After two weeks, I have to say that I am pleased with myself for putting in the effort I have made so far and I am also pleased with the way that I feel.

This is just the beginning of a yearlong project and I know that the real trials are yet to come. I hope, though, that all of you will stick with me and give me the encouragement I will most likely need to push myself to the next level when things get more challenging.

As far as the Money Up part of my New Year’s Resolution goes, the only thing I have done so far is put the idea that I want to make more money this year out there for everyone to see and know. That was only a week ago and already it has resulted in an increase in translation work requests and a friend contacting me about a computer application that allows you to by US stocks from abroad at a low buy-in price and in a foreign currency. While these are most likely just coincidences, I will take them. Anything that helps me move in the direction of financial freedom I will accept.

I’m not sure where all of this is going to lead me, but I’m beginning to see a clearer picture of the life I want to live and pursue, and that is exciting!

Thank you for reading this!

And thank you also for participating in my quest to lose 10 kg, increase my earnings, and find a new direction for my life to take.

Part One: How I’m Making My Resolutions Happen

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