Week 3, Wednesday GetInShapeChallenge

My sister and her clan were still in town yesterday, so after VBS in the morning (which I'm leading music), my kids and I loaded up, and went to town to grandma's house so we could spend time with them. We got home at dusk, and I'll admit I was too tired to workout. I hurried my kids through chores, and hit the hay.

Today was a different story. We had VBS this morning. We came home and relaxed. I read while the kids napped and watched a movie. I fixed dinner, and got the kids plates ready, and while they ate, I had a date with sweat. :) It's very humid out!

45 kettle bells
22 Burpees (baby Burpees, still)
45 lunges
45 squats
65 crunches
28 pushups
30 sec, then 10 sec plank

Then my little and I went for a walk while the older two got started on chores.

Tonight we saw two deer, a chipmunk and a squirrel.

Now I'm going in to enjoy my supper: taco salad and iced tea.

Thanks for reading!

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