Week 2, day 1 get in shape challenge

Week 2 @illestbambi 's Get In Shape Challenge! !

This morning I wanted to get my workout finished before anything else got in the way.

Saturday I had obligations that ended up taking all day. Until 10:30 pm. My muscles were begging to be stretched and moved, but I was stuck in a chair.
Sunday, the scheduled rest day, was another day full of commitments. Our church is 45 minutes away. We leave at 8:00 am, and usually have lunch at my mom's, then sometimes come home, or sometimes stay at mom's until time for evening church. We stayed, went to church, and got home around 9:00. Chores, kids, bed.

Today I was ready!!! Since I missed day 7's workout (posted by @illestbambi last week), I did it today.
I did swap jumping Jacks for kettle bell, and did modified push ups, and baby Burpees.
Here's the video:

45 kettle bell
14 Burpees
22 push ups
35 lunges
35 crunches
35 squats
35 second plank
25 minute walk
10 minute stretch (after the walk)

And the walk:

I was really pleased with my weigh in last night!
I did it in the evening, just like last week, and wore the same clothes. Last week I was 185.2, and last night I was 180.4. Down almost 5 pounds! I'll take it.

This morning I weighed, and was 178.8. I usually weigh in the mornings before eating. Today marks 30 pounds down since March 29!!!!! Happy dance through the house!!!!!! Join me in the conga line! !

And now I'm ready for my breakfast!
Thanks for reading!

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