This week I am in the south of France at my parents and I wanted to give you a little tour of their garden. With the current temperatures and permanent sun, you just need to add a little water and it's humming and buzzing and growing like mad.

The garden is still not finished, but there are already little treasures here and there. I have come into the habit of getting some raspberries every morning for breakfast. I am also constantly thinking of new ideas for the gigantic beetroot. They just grow so much better and bigger here. (I tried them last year and had 2 out of 3 that worked and became the size of golf balls only!).

Also, my mum planted an orange tree. I find it fascinating cause I didn't know what oranges looked like before they became oranges. So every time I walk around the garden I check on them to see what changed. Obviously not that much cause they will still take another 4-6 months before you can pluck them, I reckon.

Another thing that grows like crazy, and crazy early and quick, are tomatoes. I am still nursing my tomato plant at home and just about saw flowers pop out before I left the UK to come here for a couple of weeks. I have already nibbled on a few ripe ones immediately as I got here. And there are so many more to come!

What I also like about the garden are the many herbs. A lot of them are traditional in the region and grow in the wild. The smell of them is simply stunning.

This post is part of the #fruitsandveggiesmonday created by @lenasveganliving

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