Something Left At My Door...

It was 9pm on new year's eve. I was ready to cash in the last night of 1999 and see what chips the new millennium left me with. My door was softly knocked but before I could get there to see by who, footsteps retreated. I stood for a split second in my halfway undecided if I should bother opening or not.

Something strong pushed me to the door. I opened my door expecting no one. It was just to satisfy an absurd feeling within me. Strangely, I found something left right on my doorstep. Before I could even bend down and pick it up, I already had an idea what it was. But who left it here?

I peeped in the shadowy night hoping to see who chose to leave such a parcel behind. Nothing. My attention drifted back to what was at my feet. I took a knee and unwrapped the pink shawls. A baby girl. She was sleeping with no care of where she was. 

I sprung to my feet and without thinking closed the door behind us. Regardless of never having children of my own, I knew it was too cold for her outside. I lifted her out of the carton box cot. She seemed healthy and unharmed, clean even. 

Her beaded bracelet read Sulwe which means star in the Luo. I assumed that was her name. I dialed the police to report what had happened. Are you okay with her spending the night with you so we can deal this in the morning or should we send someone to come for her?

I chose to keep her. They thanked me and hung up the phone. For just one night, I get to be someone's mother, I thought to myself. And I am so glad it's someone this beautiful, I told Sulwe. I was overwhelmed with unfiltered emotions. Ones that only a fellow barren womb would decipher.

Was unwell but now I am back :) As usual, prompt provided by the amazing @mariannewest! Today's prompt=> :)

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'Black Queen'

Pic from Pixabay.

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