Freewrite Day 359 - Sustainable ~ Eco-Green Action For A Better World

It's still not too late' to take part in today's freewrite,

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Let us all be more mindful of what’s happening in the world around us and whether our actions contribute to the good of the planet or to its detriment.

And to hit even closer home, in doing the above we can also see how our actions contribute to our wellness or to our detriment.

Living sustainably is such a big subject to cover.

Also living sustainability is a lifetime commitment. If we are to truly do our part to make an impact for the betterment of our environment.

We each need to decide but let's start somewhere. Here are some choices that may interest you.

• First, choose a sustainable lifestyle
• Choose sustainable transportation
• Switch to natural products for your home and office
• Reduce your waste
• Buy only what you need
• Research and get the information needed about the products you use.
• Volunteer at a Eco-Green/Environmental Event
• Consider living a minimalist lifestyle.
• Use Preventive medicine to eliminate disease and early death.
• Conserve energy and water

Here are some more resources:

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