Day 86, Prompt: Midnight - 5 Minute Freewrite Challange


After midnight things start to come alive, espically my brain. My thoughts bump into one another, and I'm unable to think clearly. It happens as soon as I try to sleep, it's almost like my thoughts do it on purpose. They know I need to sleep and that's just the perfect time for them to all start speaking at once.

I get distracted by everything. The faintest sound will keep me awake. I don't know why, but I've always been this way. I'm jealous of people who can drift off easily and are heavy sleepers. I will look up at my ceiling hoping to fall asleep, but no matter how many sheep I count, I cannot. I will stare into the darkness until my body can't take it any longer and will finally allow me to rest.

After midnight is the worst part of my day, what's yours?

This post is in response to the #dailyfreewritechallenge posted by @mariannewest & @improv. Today's prompt was 'Midnight.' If you're wanting to participate in the #dailyfreewritechallenge, just follow the link:

Thanks for reading & make sure to check back in tomorrow for Chapter Four of my short series. Link to Chapter Three:

Until next time,


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