Day 130, Prompt: Wasps - 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge

I remember this garden from my childhood. We used to come here everyday and listen to the bees and the wasps buzzing around us. I used to imagine what'd would be like to be a wasp. Everybody seems to hate them and call them pests but I think they're special. I'll watch them for hours on end and I'm not scared that they might sting me because I like the pain.

Maybe I was a wasp in another life, I don't know. Although, I do know that one day I'll be like them, I'll be a wasp too. There's surgeries I can do to make me look like them. My mind already thinks like a wasp all I need to do is change my human body into an insect one. I've seen it done before so now it's my turn. It's time for me to belong somewhere.

This post is in response to the #dailyfreewritechallenge posted by @mariannewest & @improv. Today's prompt was 'Wasps.' If you're wanting to participate in the #dailyfreewritechallenge, just follow the link:

Until next time,


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