5 min Writing Prompt "the Attic" #freewrite Serial Story ACT TWO Chapter Fifteen


The attic of the Living Church is immense, it's ceiling a mutilevelled web of criss crossing wooden beams forming an vast curving arch overhead, like a shadowy cathedral ceiling. Patterns of sunlight filter down over through the eaves, illuminating bright flashes of the swallows who have made their home up here.

The Deer Woman leads him through the multitude of objects that crowd the attic. It is much like the hold of the duck submarine, he thinks, marvelling at the sight before him. Then he notices that she has stopped before a single object - a large wooden chest.

Without thinking he automatically knows that the chest belongs to him.


This has been the Fifteenth Chapter of Act Two for my ongoing #freewrite serial story.


Chapter One *** Chapter Two *** Chapter Three
Chapter Four*** Chapter Five*** Chapter Six
Chapter Seven*** Chapter Eight*** Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten*** Chapter Eleven*** Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen***Chapter Fourteen

Here is Chapter Sixteen.

And here is the ACT ONE Chapter List, with all of the links for Act One.

Normally written in five minutes from the writing prompt, "the Attic" as part of the #freewrite exercise. Image is by me as well. You can view the prompt here. Root around through all of the other entries and see what you like. Thanks to @mariannewest for creating and running this top floor production.

Writing and images by Greg McCann, the author of this post and owner of this Steemit Channel. To view more of my work, please visit www.fireawaymarmot.com.

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