Boiled vegetables on the street

On the street food market in Kuala Lumpur you may find everything what you want for example like They can make fresh boiled vegetables in front of you with grilled meat for me is the best dinner on the street in the evening. I chosed only corb of corn and grilend chicken meat but I was warm suprise because price was only a bit higer then in Thailand :) but No problem. I just keep going I need to eat more and more vegetables, fruits. Enjoy good food in Asia with me.

Na trhu s potravinami na ulici v Kuala Lumpur môžete nájsť naozaj všetko, čo chcete, ako napríklad pripraviť pre vas čerstvú varenú zeleninu s grilovaným mäsom je pre mňa najlepšou večerou na ulici. Vybral som si len kukuricu s grilovanym kuracim mäsom, ale bol som teplo prekvapený, pretože cena bola o niečo vyššia ako v Thajsku :) ale žiadny problém. Len pokračujem, musím jesť viac a viac zeleniny, ovocia. Vychutnajte si dobré jedlo v Ázii somnou.


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