Daily Food Photography # Risoles


Risol is the name of food that is familiar to the steemians because many of the steemians have often posted this one snack, But it turns out there are also ordinary people who do not know the name of this one food. So on this occasion, we will discuss a bit What is the risoles and the origin of risoles food.

risoles derived from the Dutch language which means pastries containing meat, usually minced meat, and vegetables wrapped in omelette, and fried after coated panir and chicken egg whisk. Two types of risoles known in Indonesia are vegetable risoles mixed with stir-fried meat, and risoles containing ragout. This rectangular cake shape is like an envelope. Triangular-shaped Risoles generally contain ragout.

This dish can also be roasted in the oven, and served as a hors-d'oeuvre or light entrée. Small sized risoles can be used as decoration for dishes of large chunks of poultry or beef meat. Risoles can be eaten with watery bean sauce, bottled sauce, or cayenne pepper.

The contents of risoles can be chicken, beef, fish meat, shrimp, button mushrooms, carrots, potatoes, or beans. The omelet is made from a mixture of wheat flour, egg yolks, butter (margarine), and water or milk.

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