Food Leftover Turned Into Vegan/Main Dish : Couscous and Rice With Vegetables


You can turn your leftover food from the day before and it is economical as well as can be so delicious. Today, I made couscous which was very easy to prepare. I always have the instant pack in my pantry so that in just a few minutes its cooking is done...pronto!

Since I ´ve had a cup of leftover rice from yesterday , I thought of combining it with the couscous and add vegetables. It is a perfect dish... for today I bought fresh cabbage, spring onions and red bell peppers. I already have the parsley frozen so I added it too.



First thing I did was to crushed the garlic, diced all vegetable including the onion. Then in a frying pan with 2 tablespoon olive oil, fried the garlic then add the onion ... this is very simple to make since I was just stir-frying everything til the veggies became soft after about 10 minutes . Then, I seasoned it with salt and ground pepper and a teaspoon of soy sauce, a teaspoon of curry powder. You may skip the curry powder, I just added it for a twist of the overall taste.


Of course, you may add whatever vegetable you like to have such as zucchini, eggplant, or squash, etc. You can even add diced potatoes or carrots but just make sure they are soft because they take a bit of time to cook than the rest of the veggies I mentioned. This means that stir-fry the diced potatoes or carrots first and when they are semi soft, add the rest of your vegetables.


Once cooked, transfer into a bowl and keep warm until served. It can also be easily warmed in a microwave oven just before serving takes place. Can be eaten as main dish or as by-dish with any meat, poultry or fish.


Enjoy Cooking !

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Special thanks to @gremayo who provided this GIF

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