
So, hey guys! I just had some time to cook for our dinner tonight. And since its been a while I tasted shrimp sinigang, so I decided to make one. It's easy to make also! I just had the following ingredients:

-Sinigang mix
-Chinese Pechay ( chopped; separate hard part from the leafy part)
-Salt and of course



I first had some water added with onions, tomatoes, and ginger then bring to boil. Then I put in the shrimp and the chopped hard part of chinese pechay then season it with salt and put in also the sinigang mix. I let it simmer for 1 to 2 minutes. After some boiling done, I tasted it and adjust according to my taste. And lastly I added the leafy part of the chinese pechay.I added it last to avoid over cooking them. Put back the lid cover and after a while turn off the heat. And tadaaa, it's done. Its healthy and easy.

Thanks for dropping by!



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