
Since I am not able to work, workout or even do much in the house because of inflammation that is spreading through different body parts I wish the weather was better so I could at least hang out and enjoy the sun like in this picture.

Anyway, I wanted to talk a little about maintaining a healthy diet. Whenever I tell people that I eat healthy, they seem to think i'm sitting around eating vegetables and chicken all day... That is not even close to what a healthy diet is. I just don't eat a lot of candy or sugar. I eat foods with lots of fibres and vitamins. I try to eat fish at least two times a week, vegetarian also 2 times a week and the same for chicken or meat and once a week we cheat (although I don't think it's cheating). I love food and I even eat fries and hamburgers. When you live a healthy lifestyle it doesn't mean your on a diet and can't eat food that you like. It just means you eat as much of good nutriecien as you can and even enjoy some junkfood now and then. It means taking care of you and giving your body what it needs to maintain healthy and strong! I mean, I love healthy food but I also love chocolate, liquorish and a hamburger with fries sometimes.

Eating healthy has made me feel better, it gives me more energy and even made me sleep better! Try it, you won't be dissapointed. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle and it's the best lifestyle change I ever made!


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