The Canadian Food Guide Changes...

Yes, the Canada food guide has made some positive changes in the right direction...and everybody is talking...

Don’t be fooled...

No, these changes are not nearly enough, if followed, to bring about healthy humans, as opposed to the prevalent disease we see today...

The Canadian food guide still recommends harmful / disease forming foods as “protein sources”, even though they suggest to focus “more” on plant based options ...

The government still subsidizes harmful foods such as dairy...

“The main beneficiaries of government support are Canadian dairy, poultry and egg producers, who set their own prices and are protected from most foreign competition by prohibitively high tariffs. There are also numerous "risk management" programs aimed at shielding farmers from such setbacks as disease, bad weather and high feed costs”. ~globe & mail

We must take our health into our own hands, learn the truth about the lymphatic system, why disease develops in the body, & how to heal Thy Self ~ because if we are relying on medical science, allopathy or the government to suddenly make sound, health promoting recommendations, we will be waiting a long, long time...

My take?

These changes are only coming about due to liability issues, people are catching on, people are sick & hospitals are full, & if the Canadian gov. does not reflect the growing realizations that plant based diets are healthier & that disease is developed through the continual ingestion of disease forming foods such as MEATS , DAIRY, EGGS, etc., they will continue to have more lawsuits on their hands ...

Similar to when doctors & government once recommended SMOKING CIGARETTES for good health (until it became apparent that disease was the result), the same is happening with the DISEASE FORMING FOODS they’ve been recommending to the general public for many years...

They are walking on thin ice...

So are those individuals that refuse to change their diets & at the very least eliminate Meat, Dairy, Eggs altogether...

Here is a portion of an recent article posted below from CBC...

#Mariah 🍓 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self...

“VANCOUVER – “Lobby groups for the meat and dairy sectors are up in arms over indications that Canada’s next food guide could discourage the consumption of beef, butter and cheese.

The guide, expected to be released early next year after its first overhaul in a decade, has been instrumental in teaching generations the importance of nutrition and a balanced diet.

And while it may not be Health Canada’s intention, it can also serve as a key marketing tool for certain food industries.

Earlier this year, Health Canada published guiding principles and recommendations, one of which promotes eating more protein-rich foods derived from plants”...

#Mariah 🌞 Heal Thy Self

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