Vietnam Food#6 - Hanoi Grilled Fish Chả Cá Lã Vọng

Hi everybody. Today we know what does? Tada. I will introduce to you the Lã Vọng fried fish dish right now.

Making fried fish takes many stages meat and preliminary filter. Fish is sliced, marinated with water galangal, turmeric, fresh, pepper sauce and esoteric manner. Fish 2 hours and then clamp on the grill until both sides are browned same. Preparing food, new people bring the clamping rolls baked cooked in a pan boiling fat over charcoal placed on the table, along with vegetables and onions cut. For fried fish fat is fat, an heirloom own recipes La Vong fried fish.

Raw materials for fried fish served with include: Roasted peanuts and Shrimp Paste. Shrimp sauce must be concocted by squeezed fresh lemon, add peppers, alder, add some essential oils lethocerus, add few drops of white wine, a little water and sugar.
Fish ball to eat while still hot, to be eaten with rice noodles, shrimp sauce and fat. Really great when the flavors that blend into each other.
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You feel hungry yet? haha. When finished writing my stomach is really cried then here.
When you visit Vietnam to visit the city of La Vong. You will enjoy this wonderful dish.
Thank you very much for reading my post

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