Rice a la marinera! Easy recipe.


Have you eaten rice a la marinera? You may also know it as paella a la marinera or paella de marisco, in total the name is the least important, what if I can assure you that it is an extremely delicious dish, and it is one of the most popular recipes of Spanish food. Prepare a rice for the sailor, has no difficulty, anyone can do it and stay perfect, if you have no knowledge in the kitchen, quiet, you will realize that it is very easy to prepare, just follow the instructions perfectly, and you will have your rice ready to serve.


  • 500 grams of rice
  • 1 kilogram of mussels, already clean.
  • 8 medium prawns.
  • 500 grams of squid, clean and chopped.
  • 200 grams of crushed tomato.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 10 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • salt and saffron.


  1. heat the oil in a medium skillet and fry the whole garlic, peeled, when are golden, we remove them and pour the squid in the same oil.

  2. remove the squid to one side of the pan, add the prawns; we raise the fire, We incorporate the mussels, and let them open.

  3. We add the tomato, we give it some laps and add the rice, stirring to mix well All the ingredients.

  4. We put twice as much water in the pan as the amount of rice. Add saffron, salt to taste and cook until it is at its point.

  5. Let the paella rest, covered, about 10 minutes, and go! We can already serve our Rice to the marinera.

How easy is it?

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Image source https://unareceta.com


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