Mushroom Stew - Delicious vegan recipe!

The food I am proposing to you today, the mushroom stew, is so simple, so beautifully colored that it can only be extremely tasty and it's really fast to cook it! You won't even have enough time to get hungry :D It's a fitting plate for every table.
This Savory Mushroom Stew is absolutely perfect for those cold, rainy evenings when you just want something to warm up your heart <3
Is there still a way to improve this thick, rich and delightful stew ? Just pour it over some lovely starches like: rice, pasta or potatoes and enjoy!

Step 1 (prepare the ingredients)


  • 500 gr fresh mushrooms
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 green onion
  • 1 red pepper
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 3 tablespoons oil
  • 250 ml water
  • 1 small garlic bulb
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 bunch of parsley

Optional ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon chickpeas flour

Step 2 (cut the vegetables)

And now let's get to work, which will, as I promised, be quick and enjoyable, because our eyes will be gazing upon some wonderful colors.
Let's start by cutting the vegetables in the desired size.
Next clean well and chop the red and green onion and also the garlic.
Cut the red pepper, in strips or cubes, as you may prefer. I've cut them in bigger pieces because I wanted them to keep their texture and their very beautiful colors. The mushrooms need to be well cleaned and cut into quarters or halves (depending on their size)

Step 3 (cooking the vegetables)

Sprinkle some oil on a pan and heat it up gently.
We will start by sautéing the vegetables (without the garlic) in about 3 tablespoon of oil until softened and slightly browned. (It should take 5 minutes)
Attention, we don't want them crispy, just softened a bit, so it is good to watch the pan during this time and stir from time to time to make sure nothing sticks.

After that add the garlic in the pan over the vegetables and fry for another 5 minutes all together.

After the vegetables have been cooked for approximately 10 minutes add the mushrooms over the vegetables.

Put the mushrooms in the pan all at once and stir well. I have increased the fire a bit because the mushrooms will leave plenty of water and I wanted it to evaporate quickly. Do not worry if the pan appears rather loaded in this phase, very quickly, the mushrooms will lose a lot of volume and they'll fit perfectly.

Step 4 (prepare the sauce)

After the mushrooms have lost their volume and the water that they've left is almost evaporated, prepare the tomato paste and flour by mixing the two ingredients with about 250 ml of water.

Add the sauce obtained over the mushrooms.
If you think the sauce is too thick, just add a bit more water.
Boil it all together at medium heat for an additional 10-12 minutes, making it as thick as you'd like.

Step 5 (seasoning)

Finally, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with chopped green parsley. Serve the warm stew along with your favorite garnish (which in our case was a plain white rice).

It was very tasty and aromatic this mushroom stew! If you decide to prepare it too, I wish you good luck and have a good meal :)

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