Chocolate Chimp Smoothie Recipe

This Chocolate Chimp Breakfast Smoothie, is the perfect breakfast smoothie for individuals like me who are on the go first thing in the morning. It’s the perfect balance between a nice protein filled breakfast without having to sacrifice your morning cup of Joe!



• Coffee
• Whey Protein
• Banana
• Almond Butter
• Milk


First I brew a cup of coffee just like any other morning. Once finished, I pour the coffee along with 1 cup of milk into a blender. Any milk will do I suppose, but I use Almond milk. This is just my personal preference as I like almond milk for its natural sweetness.

Next I add in 2 scoops of pure Whey Protein, which is about 20 grams of Whey protein. Unfortunately, whey protein has a pretty bad taste overall, and does a pretty great job at making just about any smoothie taste like an after gym protein shake. Not exactly the most welcoming taste first thing in the morning. So in order to help mask the taste, I add 1 tablespoon of almond butter. Peanut putter will also work as a substitute if you don’t have any almond butter on hand.

I always like to add some fruit to my morning smoothies as well and have found bananas to be a great compliment to the coffee and almond butter. So I add 1 full banana to the mix. Then lastly I add in 1 teaspoonful of honey for some additional extra natural sweetness. Then Blend!

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This smoothie has become one of my favorite breakfast go-to, whether I’m in a rush out the door first thing in the morning trying to get to the hospital before morning rounds start or just need a good morning pick-me up to start off the day.

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As my Grad Schooling comes to a close with T-minus 19 days until graduation, but who’s counting. Its breakfast recipes like these that have helped me to kick start my mornings. It is crazy to think just how fast the past 8 years have gone by. It seems like just yesterday that I was starting this long endeavor and now its coming to a close.

However, as one chapter comes to a close the next one always opens. I suppose this next chapter will primarily be composed of studying for boards for the next month. So if you have any other great morning recipes, please feel free to drop a comment below and share!

Until Next time,


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