Epic Battles of Everything #1: Salmon vs. Chicken

Hey Y'all,

I've decided to start a new series where I will compare one thing with another. There will be times that my battles won't make sense whatsoever but so what; that's the beauty of the whole thing. For today I picked salmon vs chicken. Which one do you think is better for a healthy nutrition? 


Yesterday, I started working out again after 5 weeks of full inactivity. I had a really bad injury that kept me in bed for a long time, but I am back on track now so let's not talk about that. I also decided to start eating super-healthy for the next 4-6 weeks in order to get shredded. 

My diet will include lots of salads, carrots, cucumbers, legumes, sardines, rice, brown pasta, certain fruits (bananas, strawberries and watermelon), low fat cheese, oatmeal and raisins for breakfast, honey and low fat milk. I plan to stick to a strict diet for six days (1,200-1,500 calories) of the week and a cheat day that won't surpass 2,500 calories. 

I think that's ideal for cutting, especially if you take into account that there will be cardio involved (x4 per week at least). I also decided to stop eating pork, lamb, beef and all kids of red meat. Well, on my cheat days I will probably eat them, but you know what I mean. Once per week is nothing!

What I haven't decided yet is if I should eat chicken or salmon. I know some may say that both are super-foods and good for your health blah blah. That's true, but that's not my aim. I am not doing a 5-month diet but a 6-week one and I have to pick one. I don't want to eat both of them. 

So what do you suggest? This...

Or that?

And why?

Cheers and God Bless :)))))))

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