If It Comes in a Box Don’t Eat It!


Want a universal truth that will speed your way to that great body you desire? When grocery shopping, don’t buy anything that comes in a box! Think I’m kidding? Think again.

Processed foods are a part of modern life, and some of them are convenient and tasty. No doubt about it. Yet remember that our genetic makeup is still alike those of our ancestors. Modern agriculture, heck even primitive farming is fairly new when you use our collective History as a measuring stick.

Basically, our ancestors had to rely mostly on food they found in nature: veggies, fruits, meats. Cookies, cereals, microwave dinners, crackers and such weren’t available to them. Today, upwards of 90% of the food consumed in the Western world is processed. 90%. And now obesity and diabetes is a world wide problem too. It’s no coincidence! How much more evidence is needed?


For example, until 2005, white bread was the #1 source of calories in the US. Since then, it’s the infamous glucose/fructose found everywhere, especially in soft drinks & so called “energy drinks”. That’s right, for a lot of people Coke, Pepsi and Red Bull are their major source of calories. If that’s your case, don’t you think replacing these with water would melt away pounds and pounds of body fat?

If that’s your situation, it’s the most important step you could take. I bet it could be the only step you take for a good 2-3 months of constant weight loss! Forget the controversial “diet drinks”. For some reason it seems these low calorie drinks can actually promote weight gain, though no one is sure exactly how that happens. OK so these drinks don’t come in a box… but I’m sure you get the picture. Water is your friend. Drink it.

What about whole grain breads and cereals? Again, these weren’t available for most of mankind’s history. The problem with them is they are really concentrated food, so we can eat lot more calories that we would otherwise. They are also digested quickly and our blood sugar levels rise fast and crash hard, which translates to variable energy and mood, and the habit of eating sugary food when we have cravings. Not good if you want to shed unwanted pounds!


It’s very hard to overeat on a diet of proteins, fruits and veggies. While a bowl of pasta contains a thousand calories – and of course you can guess that fries, ice cream, cookies, etc are calorie dense as well.

I’m not saying to suddenly live the caveman lifestyle and turn in a hunter/gatherer. IN fact, instead of thinking of cutting food out, start adding raw foods like veggies and fruits to your diet, and meats and proteins. Since these will fill you up, you’ll have less appetite for the “bad stuff”. You’ll eat less junk as you chow down more on good wholesome foods. And if you ditch colas and drink water instead, miracles could happen. Try it!


If you have already done this, or if you want to speed things up even more, then consider using a high quality fat burner to add even more power to your fat loss process.


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