Miss. Delicious #58 : My visit to David Moore's "perennially excellent" Pied à Terre

Dear Steemit friends :

Do you remember my blog a while back where I introduced the artistic elements of the famous restaurant - Gordon Ramsay? In that blog, we discussed the story behind the food and the restaurant. You can find that post here.

Today, we'll be having look at another example of a restaurant with equally eye opening artistic flare. Let's begin our story and discover what works of food art we can feast our eyes and tongue on.

Pied à Terre


34 Charlotte Street, London W1T 2NH

020 7636 1178

You can book online or check the menu on their Website.
(They only open from Monday to Saturday. Closed on Sunday)
Michelin Stars : ★
What is a Michelin Star?


Inside, the restaurant space is not too big, but it does have two floors as well as private rooms. Established in 1991 by David Moore, this Fitzrovia institution was very well received amongst connoisseurs and earned it's first Michelin star in 1993. The head chef, a prodigy named Marcus Eaves earned his title as a Michelin Chef at the tender age of 27. He is known for his creative classic reinterpretations of French cuisine.

Let's go ahead and start tasting the food.

Me and my friends opted for the Lunch Menu

Before the starter :

We have a pre-starter savoury snack served with fresh bread with butter. Both can be replenished any time.

It's like a a special prawn cracker with creme and fish eggs. Perfect for getting the stomach ready for what's to come.

Fried Chicken Balls. A very delicate starter, and beautifully made to look like a pea that has just sprouted.


Quail Meat. The assortment of colours are so pretty. I was a little worried that the Quail meat may have some unusual smell. But it actually smells quite a bit like chicken. The difference is in the texture of the meat. Quail meat is a little more tender than chicken. The crispy skin was so delicious!

This dish is presented like an arrangement of flowers, a very rich colour palette and even richer range of taste. It's difficult to believe that the little pots with leaves sprouting out are actually made of Prosciutto di Parma ham. It's balanced perfectly in taste by the slightly sour white vegetables. It's definitely my favourite dish both in taste and in presentation.

Main course :

Pan Fried Turbot with Crispy Skin

The flesh is buttery fresh, and the skin, crispy like a cracker.

The presentation is elegant and yet from different angles, looks like a model work of art.

From the side, it looks like a medieval castle built on top of mountain.

From the top, it looks like Chinese traditional water brush painting.

Simply stunning.

After the main, we're treated to yet another intermediate course.

This is a pre-dessert lemon cream with white chocolate.

What I like about it is the sweet and sour taste which wets the appetite for the coming sweet dessert. It melts in the mouth exciting the taste buds with a myriad of seemingly contrasting tastes. Bouncing between sweet, bitter, sour and then sweet.

Dessert :

Lime Mousse with Rum and Caramel Jelly

Vanilla Ice Cream, with peppermint and nut crumbs

Petits Fours :

To wrap up the meal, we're presented with some expertly crafted Petits Fours. Served in a what looks like a cute little jewellery box.

My thoughts :

Pied a Terre is a real gem of a restaurant. Although nowadays it's not talked about too much - and i'm not sure why, the food is absolutely delicious, and it's presentation has a sense of abstract freedom which leaves much to the imagination. This is in contrast to other Michelin establishments which increasingly borrow their avant-garde style presentation in an effort to distract from their more muted dishes.

The restaurant has a lovely range of menus including vegetarian and taster menus, and frequently adjust their dishes to suit seasonal ingredients. What's more, the price is extremely attractive for a Michelin restaurant, often up to one third the price of other more garish Michelin options.

For wine lovers, there is an excellent and broad selection of wines to choose from.

Pied à Terre was placed 3rd in the UK in the Hardens/Sunday Times Wine list.

If you happen to be in London, then I would recommend this restaurant firmly at the top of your list. A visit to this restaurant will imprint lasting memories. The pretty penny you pay for the meal will be well worth the experience.

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Pied a Terre 給人的感覺不像一般的米其林餐厅那么很高冷的气氛,它的环境是很高雅温馨的。我很喜欢它们家的菜单,有很多种类可以选择,包括素食者的菜单,并且也会用季节性材料制作的特殊菜单。并且价格相对便宜很多,有些menu的价格甚至只有其他米其林的1/3。当然,它们家的酒选择也是非常丰富的。总之你想尝试,不同的创新口味法餐并且价格合理,Pied a Terre 是一个很好的体验和选择。

还记得不久前我介绍了伦敦的一家艺术餐厅---Gordon Ramsay,以及关于它的故事,如果你错过了文章,可以在这里找到。今天我想带大家走进另一家餐厅,一起去探索它的美食和故事吧。 走进餐厅, 店面不大, 分为楼上楼下,一共57个餐位,也拥有私密包间。餐厅成立于1991,1993年得到第一颗米其林星。主厨Marcus Eaves 非常年轻, 在27 岁就获得米其林主厨称号,他主要擅长经典创意法式餐。下面就跟着我一起品尝一下他做的菜吧。前菜之前的开胃小点心和面包。黄油和面包可以不断添加的。炸鸡肉球,做的像刚要发芽的小豆苗 前菜:鵪鶉肉。颜色搭配好漂亮,一开始我担心鵪鶉肉会有腥味,吃第一口发现完全没有,肉质比鸡肉还要鲜美和嫩,外皮非常脆。这道菜作的像插花艺术,你觉得很难想到它是用帕尔玛火腿做的,里面白色的部分是一种酸酸的蔬菜。主菜:鱼。主菜吃完后送上的小甜点,缓和和调整味觉,准备进入接下来的甜品时间。甜点:石灰朗姆酒和焦糖慕斯果冻。薄荷香草冰淇淋和坚果屑 糖果盒就像珠宝盒, 看得出来厨师们准备的好精心, 实际上味道真的不错。Pied a Terre 給人的感覺不像一般的米其林餐厅那么很高冷的气氛,它的环境是很高雅温馨的。我很喜欢它们家的菜单,有很多种类可以选择,包括素食者的菜单,并且也会用季节性材料制作的特殊菜单。并且价格相对便宜很多,有些menu的价格甚至只有其他米其林的1/3。当然,它们家的酒选择也是非常丰富的。总之你想尝试,不同的创新口味法餐并且价格合理,Pied a Terre 是一个很好的体验和选择。
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