Miss. Delicious #56 : An authentic Thai dinner Fisherman's Village most famous restaurant - Happy Elephant!

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In today's edition of Miss. Delicious, we'll be directing our attention to one of the most visited night markets on Koh Samui. This one is a more traditional layout, quite unlike The Maeklong Train Market or the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market. But it remains one of the five major night markets of Samui.

The Fishermans Village nightmarket is located in Bophut Beach, north of the island. Although the fishermen have since left the pier and moved elsewhere, most of the rustic old style buildings and wooden shop houses remain. Most of them converted to restaurants.

Every Friday, the night market turns into a walking street market attracting a very large number of visitors from all across the island. A really bustling atmosphere to say the least!

Owing to it's ease of access and long standing reputation, this particular night market is said to be the most popular amongst expats and foreign visitors.

When I arrived, the night market was not too busy. Most of the visitors come slightly later either for food or for drinks at the plethora of restaurants or bars. As you can see, the path isn't very wide and is a mono directional road.

Driving through the narrow streets, there is a car with some loud speakers advertising the Muay Thai boxing match up of the day.

For those interested in Thailand's most popular contact sport, tickets to these match ups can be bought directly from here. Very convenient.


There is quite a diverse amount of wares for sale here, whether it's food or even clothes, you'll find shop fronts and even road side stalls. Many merchants have opted to sell localised souvenirs which are no doubt a prime interest for the touristy visitors.


The shops and stalls have arranged their items in such a way to attract the attention of passerby's. This usually means their shop is full of items with many different colours. The most popular items are usually the ones hand crafted in a traditional Thai style. My favourite of these Thai hand crafted items is the coconut lanterns. From the name and from the pictures, you can see that these are lanterns made from coconuts and then strung in series.

At night time, the hanging coconut lanterns look like little glistening stars.
This shop front is almost completely engulfed in plants and flowers. At first, I thought it might be a romantic restaurant.
It turns out, it's a well reputed massage parlour. I'm sure everybody knows about the world famous Thai Massages.
I really like the red decoration It reminds me that i'm still in Asia.
There are so many stores, it's quite hard to avoid going into each and every one of them. Especially since most of the goods can be bargained for.
Ladies will be delighted to find so many stores offering many pretty dresses and other attire.
There's even real estate agents here looking to sell houses.

Here you can rent a private boat!
There's even an open air court yard for market visitors to take a break and sit down, quench their thirst on some drinks.

Every store is decorated beautifully with lots of detail.
It would seem as though people in Thailand really like these lantern light orbs. That or they know the visitors really like them.

The night market consists of a number of small roads but broadly focuses on it's main street - Bophut Beach Road. On this street, you'll find many restaurants and bars, many of them will have their own beach side private areas with fantastic views. Whilst I was researching which tasty place to eat at, I saw these little mobile street stalls with such delightful looking food. I was really getting hungry at this point.


I stumbled across this restaurant with a beautifully arranged seafood stand just outside. It's really eye catching. I particularly like the way they've arranged the seafood. It has such a distinctive Thai feel. All the seafood looks so fresh and succulent, they've even decorated them with some exotic flower petals.


This restaurant is called Happy Elephant. First opened in 1995.
When you walk into the restaurant, you'll realise why it's called Happy Elephant. Everywhere you look, you will see lots of hand made elephants and even statues.
So many elephants, all hand made. It's like a museum of arts and crafts, except with primarily an elephant theme.
So many different kinds of elephants made with a wide variety of materials. They're placed basically everywhere you look. On the floor, on the walls, and even on the cupboards.

Each elephant incorporates a unique design, drawing from traditional Thai styles of art. The colours on them are so luring, I suspect many customers have shown interest in purchasing one to take home.


I chose to sit outside by the beach. Just ahead of me, I managed to catch some people doing a fireworks show.

Next up, it's time to look at the menu and see what delectables they have to offer.
I've noticed that all the menu's in Thailand have very vivid and bright colours. It really helps make the food a lot more attractive.






Because I ordered a dish with Tiger King Prawns, the waiter asked me to go outside to their seafood hut and choose the exact Prawns i'd like cooked.

Let's see what I ordered!

Here, the cocktails look just like the ones in the menu.


These are the Tiger King Prawns I selected myself earlier. They cut the main body of the Prawn in half and then barbecue it to really get all that nice flavour and scent out.

This is one of my favourite dishes. Pineapple fried rice, inside an actual pineapple! It has the familiar taste of the pineapple, but very well balanced such that it's not too sweet, but not too salty either.

Seafood noodles, the noodles have absorbed much of the taste of seafood and tastes both soft and succulent. Incredibly delicious!

Another one of my favourites is the Thai Style Prawn Curry. This one was on the spicy side although there are many other Thai style curries available, each with their own unique taste and level of spiciness.

This is stir fried morning glory with garlic. After eating so much seafood and meat, it's time to balance out with some vegetables.

Chicken fried rice. Looks just like what you'd get in China, except tastes a lot more herb-ified.

Last but not least, and perhaps my most essential part of a meal. The dessert. On this occasion, I opted for the very popular Thai Style Mango with Glutinous rice. I was so surprised when I tasted this because individually, I've eaten mango's and glutinous rice before, but they've never tasted quite this good. The mango's are just the right level of sweetness, not too sweet such that when eaten with the glutinous rice and coconut milk, you don't feel too overwhelmed by sugar.

This is my definitive recommendation to anyone travelling to Thailand. Make sure you try their mango and glutinous rice coconut milk pudding. The mango's are really something else!

Hope you enjoyed my virtual tour of the Fisherman's Village and Happy Elephant restaurant. After visiting both, I can safely say I'm damn hungry just writing about my experiences there, and I'm already missing it very much.

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每一家店铺都装扮的好精致呀。泰国很喜欢这些亮晶晶的灯。夜市有主干道也有支路,主干道上就有很多拥有海边沙滩的饭店和酒吧。我正在搜寻,去哪里美美吃一顿晚餐呢。看到街边的食物都要流口水了。突然这家门口摆了很多海鲜的餐厅吸引了我。特别喜欢泰国卖海鲜的方式,每一只海鲜在冰架上都显得鲜嫩可爱,还用热带小花瓣装饰。这家餐厅的名字叫做Happy Elephant,1995年开业的。没错,走进这家餐厅,你就会发现它最大的特色,就是有好多泰国大象的工艺品和雕塑。这里简直像一个泰国大象工艺品的收藏博物馆。各种各样材质的大象,有的在地上,墙上,有的放在柜子里,供客人们欣赏。大象身上具有泰国民俗特色的花样图案各式各样,颜色鲜艳,让人真想带一只回家。我们选择坐在海边的沙滩边用餐,沙滩上正好有人在表演烟火秀,好热闹。下面到了我最享受的时候,就是看菜单了。很喜欢看泰国的菜单,每道菜都颜色亮丽好精致。好有热带风情的鸡尾酒。因为我点了虾,所以服务员请我去他们漂亮的海鲜台选虾。


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