Otaku Sushi, Portsmouth

I have been visiting Portsmouth a fair bit recently and have now visited this restaurant three times. That must say something for it.


From the outside it does not look like much. It is just across the road from the main station. You got up some slightly tatty stairs and find your self in this cosy little restaurant.


As well as a few tables they have several of these booths where you have to remove your shoes before clambering in. Your legs go under the table so you do not have to kneel.


They serve a range of different Japanese dishes including sushi, tempura and ramen. The menu has pictures in case you are not sure what things are.

Bento box

I have been to Tokyo and it reminded me a little of that. The staff are Japanese and very helpful, much like those I met in Tokyo. They even have Japanese pop music playing.


The place was not too busy this evening. I took my work colleagues and they enjoyed it. It certainly made a change from the sort of pub food we tend to have on work trips.


Prices are not too bad ranging from under £10 to about £20 for a main course. They only have house wines, but a few beers including some Japanese ones such as Asahi and Kirin.

Definitely worth checking out if you are in town

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