Healthy Eating - Chayote Squash - Hearty Soup Recipe

Chayote is a type of squash that originated in Mexico; it is also known as Chocho. Here is a photo of a Chayote squash I picked up at the Farmers Market. It is found everywhere.


Chayote is very versatile and easy to prepare. It is classified as fruit, so it can be eaten raw, in salads, or shakes. It tastes like a green apple. It can also be prepared like a vegetable, steamed, roasted, boiled or fried. It has a mild flavor that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. I like to add it to soups. Today I will share a split-pea soup recipe, where I use chayote. It adds some freshness to the hearty soup, we all love it!

Before I share the recipe, I want to outline some of chayote’s health benefits:

  1. It is loaded with nutrients like vitamins and minerals, especially B vitamins, good for cells.
  2. It is low in calories and fat and high in fiber, so it is good for digestive problems and great for weight loss diets.
  3. It has powerful anti-oxidants that fight cancer, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
  4. Being high in fiber and low in calories, it regulates blood sugar levels, so it is good for diabetes.
  5. It is full of Vitamin C, that produces collagen, good for skin and anti-aging.

Ok... the list is probably longer, but I will stop here. Time for cooking!

Split-pea Soup with Chayote Squash

For this dish you need a bag of dried yellow split-pea, one onion, a few celery stalks, 3-4 carrots, one small green pepper, one small red bell pepper, two chayote squash and one liter broth, I used turkey. You can use chicken stalk or just plain water. Salt, pepper, and additional seasoning if you like. I used some Adobo, Turmeric and Curry powder, to spice my soup up, and give it a little Caribbean taste.

First step is to wash the split pea thoroughly.


Next: chop onion, celery and carrots. Sauté them in a little vegetable oil, until soft.


Add broth and split-pea. Boil for one hour at high temperature. The split-pea will break down, almost like a paste, no need to use a blender!


Add the chopped Chochos, red and green peppers. Boil 30 minutes. Add seasonings for taste.


Ready to serve! Bonne Apetite!



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