Salad with tuna, egg and cheese

Fitness Recipes - proper and healthy diet

🔸For 100gramm - 111.96 kkal🔸


Tuna in brine 200 gr.,

Cheese 17% 150 gr.,

Cucumber 200 gr.,

Egg 150 grams.

Carrot 100 grams.


Eggs and carrots to boil. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. The first layer put on a coarse grater grated egg whites. On the egg whites, put a layer of tuna. Canned pre-grind fork. For tuna put grated grated cucumber. On top of the layer of cucumber put a layer of boiled carrots, grated on a large grater. Over carrot layer - a layer of grated cheese. The last layer put on a fine grater grated egg yolks.

Bon Appetit!
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