Self Love & The Art of Breakfast

Successful adulting involves constantly trying to strike a balance between the new and the old, the personal and the professional, the heart and the mind.
With constant emphasis on breakfast being the most important meal of the day, adulting has been a lot about finding that perfect breakfast concoction that is high on nutrition and low on preparation time. It has to feel right to keep your energy levels high for the first and most active part of your day while also giving you the feeling that you’ve started your day on a positive note by pampering yourself.


The art of breakfast, as we know it, is all about a feel-good factor and the right mix of imagination and preparation. Here is food for thought to make your breakfast the meal you’d want to relish everyday:

  1. Put on the chef’s hat
    Whether you prepare your own breakfast or you are amongst the lucky few to have a cook do it for you, make sure to be actively involved in the preparation of your breakfast. The aroma will wake up your senses that are still brooding over the alarm.pexels-photo-113758.jpeg

  2. Color therapy
    Set up the table and add color to your food as well as to your tableware. Don’t underestimate the sight of bright and beautiful hues, they are known to perk up your energy levels and jumpstart your day.pexels-photo-245513.jpeg

  3. Don’t aim too high!
    Keep your options simple and healthy – choose between a variety of egg preparations, pancakes, fruits, sandwich combinations, salad portions, or good old muesli and milk.

  4. Time for yourself
    Take out time in the morning for yourself. Don’t be afraid to start your day with things you love. Don’t feel guilty about that longish bath you took, or that extra time to relish your

  5. Weekend bliss
    All that has been put off for the weekend needs to be on priority list. Try perfecting that dish you think will take up too much time on a weekday morning, arrange your cutlery for easy access when you are in a hurry, buy that beautiful platter you’ve been wanting to eat your cheese and cracker from!pexels-photo-265186.jpeg

“Breakfast! My favorite meal - and you can be so creative. I think of bowls of sparkling
berries and fresh cream, baskets of Popovers and freshly squeezed orange juice, thick
country bacon, hot maple syrup, pancakes and French toast - even the nutty flavor of
Irish oatmeal with brown sugar and cream. Breakfast is the place I splurge with
calories, then I spend the rest of the day getting them off! I love to use my prettiest table
settings - crocheted placemats with lace-edged napkins and old hammered silver. And
whether you are inside in front of a fire, candles burning brightly on a wintery day - or
outside on a patio enjoying the morning sun - whether you are having a group of friends
and family, a quiet little brunch for two, or an even quieter little brunch just for yourself,
breakfast can set the mood and pace of the whole day.” – Susan Branch, American

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