Eat fish every day if you want to live from prostate cancer

The body of Prostate, which helps 50 years of our work, even though the body started to grow, Omni stopped working. With that, the place begins with flowers.

Someone is also susceptible to prostate cancer cells. So be careful to stay in a friend's place, otherwise if you go to old age you will have to suffer a lot.

What can be said to eliminate this thought? It is very easy to do a job. What is that work? To start eating fish every day. Then there will be no danger of prostate cancer after the half-century. In fact, according to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, regular increases in the level of certain components of the body by eating fish, which gives Prostate so much protection that the likelihood of cancer cell births decreases by 63 percent.

 During  the test, the researchers found that in 195 countries, the condition of  the bodies of Singaporeans, Malaysia, South Karia, Buraini and  Bengalis, as well as the condition of the bodies of the Portuguese,  which took the first place from the fish-eating position. What is the situation? The people of these provinces are much more fitter than the others and the moonlight. And the main reason behind this is regular eating habits of fish. Actually,  omega three fatty acids and proteins in the body of the fish play a  special role in stimulating each and every ear of the body from head to  toe. In addition, multiple deaths play an important role in keeping the disease away. Such as ... 

 1. Improves eye sight
Like me, you have heard from the little time that playing fish increases your eyesight? There is no doubt that this is absolutely correct. Actually  the omega three fatty acids that are in the body of the fish, after  entering the body, shows a game that gradually increases the eyesight. So do not forget to buy Rui-Katla by packing the bag! If you wish, you can buy fish like Bhola or Vetki. Because they have too much oil in their body. 

 2. Skin and hair beauty increases
Omega  three fatty acids present in the fish body, inside of us, increases the  supply of nutrients on the skin and at the base of the hair so that the  effect of skin tone, such as the development begins, also increases the  beauty of the hair. In  fact, several studies have found that omega three fatty acids play  special role in the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis. So those who are suffering from this disease, do not ever think of excluding fish from everyday diet! 

 3. Keeps the heart energized
In  a report published by the American Heart Association, it has been  claimed that those who eat regular fish lose their 50 percent chance of  heart disease. Why is that so? Actually, omega three fatty acids, which are in the fish body, begin to reduce the level of fat in the blood. As a result, the risk of losing any type of heart naturally decreases. 

 4. Spark count increases a lot
Recently, a study was conducted on 188 men. It has been found that people who regularly eat fish, their sperm count is so good that there is no problem in taking the baby. In  fact, due to our enormous living, the number of sparrows has decreased  due to the increased living conditions, which is why many parents have  to face problems. So if you do not want to be with you, do not forget to eat regular fish! 

 5. Reduces mental exhaustion
At present, the number of mental retardation due to various reasons is increasing, many of whom are very young. In such circumstances, the need to eat fish increased. Because there is no substitute for fish to reduce stress and emotional fatigue. Actually omega three fatty acids play a special role in this case. 

 6. Brain power increases
Several  studies have found that only 1/2 days of the week, the activity of  neurons inside our brain began to increase due to fish consumption. As a result of such intellectual development, memory improving also happens. In fact, a report has been presented in the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America held last week. It mentions that those who regularly eat fish, the power of a  particular part of their brain increases so much that they leave behind a  lot of intelligence and memory, leaving people not eating fish.

7. Removes deficiency of Vitamin D
This vitamin plays a special role in bone formation. So there is no shortage of Vitamin D deficiency in the body. And Samarik Fishermen can help you in this work. Because  their body contains omega 3 fatty acids as well as plenty of vitamin D,  which plays a significant role in keeping the bones strong and also  keeping many bone diseases apart. 

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