I lasted 4 days on the Whole 30 diet..

After multiple vacations and not eating as super clean as we typically, my girlfriend was ready for a change.

A few years back she received a book about a diet/cleanse that was called “whole 30”, which lasts 30 days. This diet is super restrictive, but is supposed to be incredibly good for you. Here is a summary of the diet:

  • no grains (bread, pasta, rice, quinoa)
  • no added sugar (natural sugar in fruit is okay)
  • no diary (milk, yogurt, etc.)
  • no legumes (peanuts, beans, etc)
  • no alcohol

Basically, you can only eat meats, veggies, fruits, and nuts. For a whole month.

After reading the book and browsing the recipes she thought we should give it a try. For all of last Sunday she planned out recipes for the entire month for dinners. The thought was to cook a little extra for dinner and take it for lunch the next morning. For breakfast we would eat an rx bar or eggs.

The first three days we made it through fairly easily. We brought snacks along with us to keep us going throughout the day of almonds and walnuts as well as blueberries and strawberries. These did a decent job of holding us over between meals but we would still be hungry every few hours since we had so few carbohydrates.

The fourth day is when things began to get tough. A group of our friends were having game night where they would all be eating and drinking things not appropriate before Whole 30.

After I picked up my girlfriend from work, she was stressed from a long day and needed some carbohydrates to keep her going. The second she walks into the door she eats a Tostito chip and just like that the diet/cleanse was over.

I thought we would be able to last a little bit longer but it was extremely difficult to constantly be eating all day and still being hungry.

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