My travel diary, Episode 1:Having Octopus meat for the first time

One of the fun of travelling to new places is the joy of trying new things - most importantly good food. My trips to various parts of Africa has availed me the opportunity to try new things, most especially good food.

I will be posting my travials in the series entitiled My Travel Diary: today is the first episiode in the series and i will be taking you to the volta region - Akosombo, Ghana where i had grilled octopus meat...for the very first time! For me, i love trying new foods once am in a new place, most especially the native foods of the area. So on the last evening of my stay at the Volta Hotel,Akosombo I ordered a nicely grilled and yummy octopus meat and washed it down with small club beer.

Closer look at my yummy grilled octopus

The smile you give when the octopus meat tasted yummy

My stay in Akosombo was indeed fun, i had different kinds of local delicacies that i will be sharing with you in future episodes of my diary. Until then, please let me know what you think about octopus meat. Have you had it before and can you have it? Its very yummy though!

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