Organic food-one step back

A glimpse

Organic food has become so much famous but while navigating the puzzle of labels of organic food, advantages, as well as the claims, can be a sort of confusing area. Every individual who has been hearing the voices in support of organic food would definitely put forward certain questions like:

  • Is organic food much better for our health?
  • Do GMOs and pesticides are the causes of increasing risks of carcinomas and other fatal diseases?
  • What do the labels refer to?
  • How can we make organic food affordable?

Basically, it’s a high time to get back from where we started. Our ancestors used to eat from nature without interfering with the natural processes and so they lived a longer and healthier life. Global changes have brought about a number of alterations that include the increased demand for food for which most farmers initiate the conventional agriculture production that lead to the alarming scenario where our society stands today.

What does “organic” refer to?

The terminology organic means the way by which agricultural products are produced and processed. Although every state marks its own standards to declare agricultural products as organic for the U.S.A. the products will only be classified under the type organic if there are grown without the use of:

  • synthetic pesticides
  • bio-engineered genes (GMOs)
  • Petroleum-based fertilizers
  • sewage sludge-based fertilizers

Whereas all types of organic livestock which are grown for the sake of egg and meat should be fed with organic feed. They should be keenly preserved from injecting growth hormones or antibiotics. These standards help to maintain transparency in order to distinguish between the two types

Organic products VERSUS Conventional products

All these distinguishing factors clarify up to much extent about what your priority should be. Although the yield from conventional means is so much higher than organic means but wait! Do you want to purchase life-threatening maladies? Or quality is worth more than quantity?

Benefits that you get if you prefer quality over quantity

In order to live a safe and healthy life, it really matters that how your food is grown. It is an obvious reality that what you eat affect your mental and emotional health. Of course, if we look at the organic products no doubt, we will get so much more nutrients. Above all, people who are prone to multiple allergies are often affected directly by the chemicals and pesticides of conventional products. Let us highlight various benefits that you obtain by the intake of organic products:


  • Antioxidant capacity
    According to different studies, it is claimed that the level of antioxidants increases in our body as soon as we consume organic products. It helps to protect our body from cancer producing factors, cardiac disorders, premature aging as well as cognitive malfunctions.
  • Reduction of pesticides
    One of the greatest compliments is that organic food is free from synthetic fertilizers. Nonorganic products are often coated with life-threatening chemicals.
  • Immune system
    Genetic modification tends to produce tomatoes larger since several decades. Meanwhile, if we try not to neglect the facts, we would be able to know up to what extent we have destroyed our immune system which is reflected today by decreasing strength, prone to allergies and sexual dysfunction. Organic foods are wholly natural and out of genetic modification trends.
  • Better taste
    What is the basic use if you do not get the natural stuff even for your taste buds! Seriously nobody would like to spend bucks if they do not get the natural taste. You should prefer organic food because here the natural taste would be ready to melt in your mouth.

Attention, please!

As a matter of fact, the above-mentioned fruits and vegetables are mostly at high risk of adulterations so you must sort them out only from organic products section while buying grocery.

The main idea behind the promotion of organic products is to ensure your better and healthier lifestyle. Moreover conclusively, we can say that the globe is moving forward and trying every new technique to bring about ease and comfort. Yet you should never compromise on what your body takes, no matter how hard it is but
Do take a step back!


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