How to avoid this thing that could stop you from laughing or smile for a few days ...

I told you in my first post that I love to laugh and make people laugh . Among many things, there is one that can physically hold you back from laughing or smiling.
Have you already suffered from a blister around the mouth? You know that embarrassing burning thing that appears suddenly on your upper or lower lip always just before an important personal or social event ? ;))

I said « appears suddenly » but If you are attentive to your body’ signals, you will first feel a tingling or a kind of electrical shock or slight vibration of the skin. If you are able to remember your night dreams (nightmares I should say here) you can even dream about it a few days before it shows up. Then you have time to make adjustments (see below how to).

There are a lot of short topics and articles on the web you can read about HSV-1 (labial-herpes simplex 1 virus- his scientific name) so I won’t dwell deeply on this subject except to say that even if 75% of people are infected with this virus, a few numbers really know how to naturally and simply avoid or reduce the flare-up.

HSV-1 needs arginine (an amino acid) to replicate. The virus takes advantage of an unbalance between LYSINE (another amino acid) level and ARGININE . When arginine level is higher than lysine level it’s labial blister’s show time!

Just type in a search engine « arginine lysine ratio foods » to learn more about which foods are high in lysine and low in arginine and then make better choices for yourself.

Since I started to avoid or reduce the following 4 foods, I never more had to endure this unnecessary pain :

Everybody is unique and you can find your own balance level between arginine and lysine. Personnally, I know and experienced many times that :
• if over a single day I eat peanut butter and chocolate, I might start to receive signal from my body that this is too much arginine and the virus would like to see the daylight.
• sun exposure, stress or fatigue, fever, etc. will NOT encourage an HSV-1 outbreak as long as my lysine level is higher than my arginine level.

I’m not a doctor and this post is not intended to replace any medical advice.

If knowing these tips can help a few people avoid needless suffering, that will make me smile!

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