#EatingRight for your #Bodytype

In today's world of food weaponization and poisoning, and most of the public being totally oblivious to these drastic changes to our food supply, the work of an Ayurvedic Practioner/Herbalist has never been harder. Teaching the public to eat fresh, organic, real food is only the beginning.

There are many parameters to eating correctly.
Timing is one of the most important factors in consuming your meals and having them be broken down in digestion and have metaoblized properly.
In general breakfast should be consumed between the hours of 6am and 10am due to our digest fire being ready to break down breakfast types of food at an optimum level between these times.
Lunch should be consumed the hours of 10am and 2pm as lunch should be our largest most complete meal as our digestive fire is at its prime during these hours.
Finally Dinner should be a lighter meals taken between 2pm and 6pm as again our digestive acids are ready again to metabolize your non living food into living body tissue cells.

Another vital parameter to eating correctly is to identify your own body type, and eat according to this particular body type.
In general there are 3 types of people in society, but we do not fit into these 3 catagories 100%, and contain qualities of all 3, but generally one of these types is predominant.

Refer to my 3 acticles on "Getting to know Ayurveda" to get a breakdown on each body type which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

In general, Vata and Kapha types need more warming food as they are usually cold and cool respectively. Pitta types require more cooling food to be balanced and pacified. Seasonal and climate conditions also factor into our body imbalances.

In an age where every claims to be a "foodie"
or food expert and the truth of the fact is that the public has never been so clueless about nutrition and proper digestion. A generation of premature aging, significant drop in life expectancy and diseases running rampant is unavoidable unless big changes are made and the public properly educates themselves on how "Eating right for your body type" is so important in mankinds progression into the future.

If you are curious about knowing your body type, send me an email at Herbalist108@gmail.com


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