Sweet Potato Porridge

Hello everyone! The weather has been so unpredictable lately. It is sunny in the morning, but suddenly rainy in the afternoon. It can be sunny in the morning, so hot in the afternoon and cold in the night. So many people got sick because of the weather conditions. The illnesses that come are usually flu, coughs and colds. Especially after the pandemic, many people are very susceptible to disease. How about your place?

Because of that, I decided to make a snack to enjoy when it rains. I make sweet potato porridge or bubur candil ubi ungu. But before I continue, I want to tell you a little. Previously, I thought that the taste of taro came from sweet potato, but it turned out I was wrong. Taro or talas ungu in Bahasa is not the same with sweet potato or ubi ungu. They are two different species, and I prefer sweet potato to taro. Because sweet potato tastes sweeter than taro.

The ingredients needed to make this food are sweet potato, glutinous flour, coconut milk, sugar, salt, corn starch, and screwpine leaf. First of all, I boiled sweet potatoes and then mashed them. Add glutinous flour, then knead until smooth. After mixing well, I made small balls until the mixture was finished.

After that, boil the sweet potato again with sugar, salt and screwpine leaf until they all float, then add the cornstarch. Stir it well until the sauce thickens. In another pan, cook coconut milk, salt and screwpine leaf. Cook over low heat until mixed well.

I like coconut milk and I use the thick one, so I didn’t add cornstarch anymore. The savory taste of coconut milk will make this porridge even more delicious. My children really like to buy candil porridge every morning. But the seller only added a little coconut milk, which was thin. That’s why I made thicker coconut milk sauce for this porridge.

Once everything is done, now it’s time to eat. My children really like this porridge and are so happy. I also give them to some neighbors. Even though this is my first time making candil porridge, I think it tastes delicious. Maybe I can consider selling it later. Eating warm porridge when it rains is very enjoyable. Especially if you are with your family. Don’t forget to stay healthy and eat good food everyone. See you in my next post.

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