How to cook delicious young banana stem vegetables


it might feel strange to hear banana stems processed into food. But in Aceh, banana stems are processed into famous traditional foods that taste delicious.

Banana stem broth is a type of curry with the main ingredient in young banana stems. This banana stem is made of a kind of vegetable by first being thinly sliced ​​and chopped.

The banana stem used for cooking is kepok banana. Bananas that have been cut down on the outside of the stem are peeled until they leave the inside white. This young kepok banana stem is then taken into vegetables.


• 1 kg of young banana stems
• 1 ounce of shrimp
• 8 cayenne fruit
• 2 red chilies
• 700 ml of coconut milk
• 11 red onion cloves
• 3 Garlic cloves
• 2 galangal segments
• 10 pecan nuts
• 1 Ginger segment
• 3 tablespoons of oil
• 1 turmeric segment
• 2 lemongrass sticks
• salt
• sugar

Spice ingredients:

• Mace flower
• Clove
• Cinnamon
• Cardamom
• 2 stems of curry leaves
• 2 red onion cloves, sliced

Step to make it

• Banana stems (which have not yet been fruitful) are peeled until the inside is young, then sliced. The threads that exist between the slices of the banana stem are discarded.


• After the threads are wasted, the sliced ​​banana stem is given salt while being squeezed.

• Blend everything until smooth. except for ginger and lemongrass, just squeeze it until the bruise.

• Saute the ingredients of spices and shrimp and then add the marinated spices. Then enter the coconut milk while stirring.



• Finally put the banana stems and cook until cooked ... By pressing if it's soft means it's cooked.


Lift and serve.


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