Drinking regime

Where I hadn't been with me always a bottle of water!

People just need to drink water before he feels thirsty.

Of course, there is a small inconvenience in view of the constant search of the toilet.

A man drinking water on a daily basis, ensures a good functioning of the internal organs. Thanks to liquid blood moves faster through the blood vessels, and therefore, it is better is supplied to the brain and heart muscle.

By drinking clean water, people lose weight because accelerates the metabolism of fat tissue.

That is why fitness is recommended to drink 1.5 - 2 or more liters per day. 

Water AIDS in digestion, output of products and harmonious life and many many others. 

But what will happen if you do NOT DRINK!!!

✔ This is the first stage when a person loses 2% water by weight of his body, then he has a strong thirst.

✔ This is the second :If the percent of lost water will increase to 10, then the person will start hallucinating.

✔ Now with the loss of 12% of the people will not be able to recover without the help of a doctor.

✔ Now with the loss of 20% the person dies. 

All used to only drink when there thirsty. And this is a big mistake. 

Drink 20-30 minutes before meals not take food, do not drink within 30 minutes after a meal. Try to drink every hour at least 200 ml of water. For starters, you can set the alarm and after a couple of weeks to develop a habit.

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