3 Spectacular Health Benefits of Saffron


Saffron is an herb that has been used in cooking and for its health benefits for thousands of years, saffron, which is harvested by hand, is considered the world’s most expensive herb. After some extensive research on saffron, I have identified that there are several “golden benefits” of this herb. Native to Southwest Asia, saffron is used in many rice, risotto, and seafood dishes across the world. Adding this miracle herb to your cooking will provide a beautiful, intense orange color and will contribute a unique flavor. Saffron contains very powerful antioxidants, which can protect the body from radical damage. Saffron is known to be used for its therapeutic components due to the fact that it is a great source of iron, zinc, and magnesium. Three of the health benefits which caught my eye, were the herbs ability to inhibit skin tumors, improve vision & eye health, and even promote memory retention.


Inhibit Skin Tumors:

According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, saffron contains crocin, croectin, and safranal which are very powerful anti-cancer, preventative compounds.


Improve Eye & Vision Health:

Newly published scientific evidence suggests that saffron is able to combat against the deterioration of light-capturing cells in the retinas. Researchers also determined that saffron can also be linked to the improvement of visual sensitivity and provide long-term health of the eyes.


Promote Memory Retention:

Saffron has demonstrated that it is able to ward of symptoms of insomnia and can be a regulator for disruptive sleep providing a more restful, deeper sleep. This correlation suggests that aging and the chances of mental impairment can be reduced by incorporating saffron in the body.

I hope that this was helpful, thank you so much for reading and don’t be afraid to reach out!

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